Cleaning your Orlando home or workspace with a central vacuum system can be a life-changing experience. Loud, life-depleting noise is no longer a part of vacuuming. Your house is cleaner because dirt is actually removed from your living area. Cleaning is more powerful and efficient since a central vacuum cleaner is up to 10X more powerful than a conventional vacuum. The most important benefit is how much cleaner the air is in your home.
Beyond being powerful, healthy, and efficient, you’ll love the special features a central vacuum offers. One of the most popular is the Vac-Pan. Imagine a broom that never needs a dustpan and has the cleaning power of a central vacuum system. It is an incredibly simple device combining a central vacuum with a dustpan, built into the baseboard and you activate it with your foot. Sweep dirt into it and tap it with your foot to turn it off.
Whether you’re building a new home from scratch or looking to improve your current home, installing a whole house vacuum comes with many perks to make your life easier and even some health benefits to improve your quality of life.

Indoor air pollution is one of the most common problems for allergy sufferers. Using a Central Vacuum cleaner is clinically proven to improve the indoor air quality by up to 52%. With the main power unit in the garage there’s no recirculated dust in the home. All dust, mites, pollen, animal dander and other allergens are removed from the living areas directly to the vacuum power unit, leaving the air you breathe completely free of harmful irritants.
Vacuuming your home will be so much easier. It’s simply a case of inserting a lightweight hose to one of the strategically located inlets in the wall, and control the suction from the variable speed switch on the hose handle. Vacuuming the kitchen gets even easier too, with a Vac-Pan—an automatic dustpan built into your kitchen’s baseboard. Just activate it by switching it on with your toe, sweep the floor debris up and watch it disappear.
Vacuuming in the home is typically a chore that many of us would like to do as little as possible. Who likes the hassle of lifting and carrying about a heavy portable vacuum cleaner, trying to avoid banging it off the doors and taking chunks out of the furniture. With a Central Vacuum System, you are guaranteed lightweight vacuuming, as all you need to carry is the lightweight cleaning hose.
With a Central Vacuum System, the power unit is located in a utility room or garage, meaning you’ll never have to listen to a noisy vacuum motor while vacuuming again, as the motor noise is eliminated from the point of cleaning. That means you can continue with your phone call, keep watching the television, or even vacuum while the children are asleep!
A Central Vacuum cleaner offers industrial strength suction, delivering up to 5 times more power than portable vacuum cleaners. Power is undoubtedly one of the key measures of performance. However, there are other things to consider. Waterlift refers to how much water the motor will lift vertically, and airflow is the force of the air movement across the surface where the dirt is picked up. These all contribute to the total power and performance.
Different floor surfaces require different accessories for best results. Your new Central Vacuum Systems includes a combi-floor brush that can alternate between hard and carpeted floor areas, a soft dusting brush, a hard floor brush, an upholstery brush, and a crevice tool for those tight spaces. No matter the situation, you’ll always have the right tool for the job.